
(2014) on IMDb


In the forested depths of eastern Congo lies Virunga National Park, one of the most bio-diverse places on Earth and home to the planet’s last remaining mountain gorillas. In this wild, but enchanted environment, a small and embattled team of park rangers – including an ex-child soldier turned ranger, a caretaker of orphan gorillas and a dedicated conservationist who’s a member of the Belgian royal family – protect this UNESCO world heritage site from armed militia, poachers and the dark forces struggling to control Congo’s rich natural resources. When the newly formed M23 rebel group declares war, a new conflict threatens the lives and stability of everyone and everything they’ve worked so hard to protect, with the filmmakers and the film’s participants caught in the crossfire.

Action Steps


1. SPREAD THE WORD about how the film and the park inspired you by using the hashtags on social media #Virunga #TeamVirunga.

2. DONATE or raise funds for the Virunga National Park to keep it in operation and to support it’s brave rangers.

3. CHECK YOUR INVESTMENTS as you may be surprised to find out your investments could be funding SOCO International. Ensure that your dollars are funding positive initiatives.

Virunga National Park has become the battleground in a new conflict, as conservationsists fight off the advances of rebel militias, poachers and a powerful oil company
— Martin Fletcher, The Telegraph
This is muckraking journalism that moves confidently with the brio of an action thriller.
— Kenji Fujishima, Slant Magazine
Gabriel Zimmer